Thoughts are the seed for any existing situation. Happines-sorrow, success-unsuccess, progress-regress etc depends on man’s own thoughts. By working on thoughts – it is possible
नाभिपद्म भुवा विष्णेब्रह- ्मणानिर्मि- तं जगत् ।। स्थावरं जंगमं शक्त्या गायत्र्या एवं वै ध्रुवम॥ (वि- ्णोः) विष्णु की (नाभिपद्म भुवा) नाभि कमल से उत्पन्न हुए
Importance of Steadiness and concentration of mind in Sadhana. A Sadhak should remove all disturbing thoughts from his mind and perform Sadhana with an unperturbed
Human brain is an extremely wonderful cosmic computer. The activity, movement and potentiality of each of its cells leaves even the greatest of scientists awe-struck.
The essence of Sadhana is self-discipline. The deities we worship are in fact the symbolic representatives of our own divine attributes and virtues. So long