InspirationThink! Who are you ?ValsadOnlineDecember 28, 2018December 28, 2018 by ValsadOnlineDecember 28, 2018December 28, 201801064 SOHUM (I am That): Indeed potentially I am That Absolute Truth – Consciousness incarnated in human form. Attaining higher spiritual levels are easy for me.
Inspiration Pt. Shriram Sharma AcharyaKnow ThyselfValsadOnlineDecember 26, 2018December 26, 2018 by ValsadOnlineDecember 26, 2018December 26, 201801440 Wise Ibsen says, “The strongest man in the world is he who stands alone. He is weak who expects, waits for others [to help him]”
Inspiration Pt. Shriram Sharma AcharyaDirection of lifeValsadOnlineDecember 19, 2018December 19, 2018 by ValsadOnlineDecember 19, 2018December 19, 201801773 Nowadays there is a general tendency to tell a lie, live a lie and behave like a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Someone may be talking
Inspiration Pt. Shriram Sharma AcharyaAwaken Your Indwelling DivinityValsadOnlineDecember 19, 2018December 19, 2018 by ValsadOnlineDecember 19, 2018December 19, 201801077 All sub-human life forms are born with specific instincts and usually live within its confines right till the end. The Creator has endowed only the