InspirationOne who has conquered the Self, can conquer the WorldValsadOnlineFebruary 28, 2021February 28, 2021 by ValsadOnlineFebruary 28, 2021February 28, 20210608 The essence of Sadhana is ‘self-discipline’. One who has conquered the ego-centered self is the true warrior. It is easy to subdue others with brute
Inspirationविरोध का सामना कैसे करें?How to face Opposition?ValsadOnlineFebruary 20, 2021February 21, 2021 by ValsadOnlineFebruary 20, 2021February 21, 202101118 गंगा के तट पर एक संत अपने शिष्यों को शिक्षा दे रहे थे, तभी एक शिष्य ने पुछा, “ गुरू जी, यदि हम कुछ नया…