Inspiration Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharyaजीवन जीने की कला ही सच्ची साधनाValsadOnlineJanuary 31, 2023 by ValsadOnlineJanuary 31, 20230734 कलाकार के हाथ अनगढ़ वस्तुओं को पकड़ते हैं और अपने उपकरणों के सहारे उन्हें नयनाभिराम सुन्दरता से भरते और बहुमुल्य बनाते हैं। कुम्हार मिट्टी से
Inspiration Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharyaआत्मनिर्माण सबसे बड़ा पुण्य-परमार्थ हैValsadOnlineDecember 12, 2022December 13, 2022 by ValsadOnlineDecember 12, 2022December 13, 20220767 इस संसार में अनेक प्रकार के पुण्य और परमार्थ हैं। दूसरों की सेवा-सहायता करना पुण्य कार्य है, इससे कीर्ति, आत्मसंतोष तथा सद्गति की प्राप्ति होती
Inspiration Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharyaअध्यात्म क्षेत्र की सफलता का सुनिश्चित मार्गValsadOnlineDecember 6, 2022December 6, 2022 by ValsadOnlineDecember 6, 2022December 6, 20220624 अध्यात्म का एक पक्ष है- योग और तप। दूसरा है पुण्य परमार्थ। दोनों की संयुक्त शक्ति से ही समग्र शक्ति उभरती और स्थायी सफलता की
Inspiration Pt. Shriram Sharma AcharyaThe Light of SoulValsadOnlineJanuary 1, 2021January 1, 2021 by ValsadOnlineJanuary 1, 2021January 1, 202101000 There are two aspects of light – one is energy, and the other is aura. The first part gives heat, and the second part provides
Inspiration Pt. Shriram Sharma AcharyaGet Connected NowValsadOnlineOctober 9, 2019October 9, 2019 by ValsadOnlineOctober 9, 2019October 9, 201901378 Get Connected Now Electrical things spring to life as soon as they are plugged into a live source. Tap spurts out water as soon as
Inspiration Pt. Shriram Sharma AcharyaBe Good And Do GoodValsadOnlineOctober 9, 2019October 9, 2019 by ValsadOnlineOctober 9, 2019October 9, 201901403 Be Good And Do Good The truth behind performing good deeds to gain entry into heaven may be debatable. There are some references about such
Inspiration Pt. Shriram Sharma AcharyaAmbitions – The Driving ForceValsadOnlineOctober 9, 2019November 3, 2022 by ValsadOnlineOctober 9, 2019November 3, 202201073 Ambitions – The Driving Force Every deed starts off as an ambition. As soon as an ambition arises in the mind, the mind starts strategizing
Inspiration Pt. Shriram Sharma AcharyaKnow YourselfValsadOnlineOctober 8, 2019October 8, 2019 by ValsadOnlineOctober 8, 2019October 8, 201901384 Know Yourself Wise Ibsen says, “The strongest man in the world is he who stands alone. He is weak who expects, waits for others [to
Inspiration Pt. Shriram Sharma AcharyaLife DirectionValsadOnlineOctober 5, 2019October 5, 2019 by ValsadOnlineOctober 5, 2019October 5, 201901146 Life Direction Nowadays there is a general tendency to tell a lie, live a lie and behave like a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Someone may
Inspiration Pt. Shriram Sharma AcharyaAn Unhealthy MindValsadOnlineOctober 5, 2019October 5, 2019 by ValsadOnlineOctober 5, 2019October 5, 20190838 An Unhealthy Mind Mental health or the lack of it can not be observed with the naked eye, we are often quite unaware of it
Inspiration Pt. Shriram Sharma AcharyaTrue PrayerValsadOnlineMarch 20, 2019March 20, 2019 by ValsadOnlineMarch 20, 2019March 20, 201901372 True prayer is less about asking and begging for things we are attached to than it is about relinquishing our attachments to things, persons and
Inspiration Pt. Shriram Sharma AcharyaKnow ThyselfValsadOnlineDecember 26, 2018December 26, 2018 by ValsadOnlineDecember 26, 2018December 26, 201801438 Wise Ibsen says, “The strongest man in the world is he who stands alone. He is weak who expects, waits for others [to help him]”
Inspiration Pt. Shriram Sharma AcharyaOn the way to EnlightenmentValsadOnlineDecember 19, 2018December 19, 2018 by ValsadOnlineDecember 19, 2018December 19, 201801358 Do not argue with others if you find their thoughts conflicting with or going against yours. There are countless number of people living on our
Inspiration Pt. Shriram Sharma AcharyaDirection of lifeValsadOnlineDecember 19, 2018December 19, 2018 by ValsadOnlineDecember 19, 2018December 19, 201801769 Nowadays there is a general tendency to tell a lie, live a lie and behave like a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Someone may be talking
Inspiration Pt. Shriram Sharma AcharyaAwaken Your Indwelling DivinityValsadOnlineDecember 19, 2018December 19, 2018 by ValsadOnlineDecember 19, 2018December 19, 201801076 All sub-human life forms are born with specific instincts and usually live within its confines right till the end. The Creator has endowed only the
Inspiration Pt. Shriram Sharma AcharyaI am not a person I am a thoughtValsadOnlineDecember 18, 2018December 18, 2018 by ValsadOnlineDecember 18, 2018December 18, 201801537 It is an evident fact that peoples’ charity and services to society are a source of inspiration to others. Only these people can survive and